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Еженедельный обзор событий в АПК
АгроинформерЪ - Еженедельный обзор событий в АПК на 21 октября 2024 г
Еженедельный обзор событий в АПК на 5 апреля 2023 г
Еженедельный обзор событий в АПК на 20 декабря 2022 г
Еженедельный обзор событий в АПК на 15 декабря 2022 г
Еженедельный обзор событий в АПК на 01 декабря 2022 г
Главные вкладки
Private message settings
(активная вкладка)
Conversation settings
Maximum number of messages in a conversation
The maximum number of messages that can be included in a conversation. If this maximum has already been reached and a user attempts to add an additional message, then the action specified below shall be taken. Leave this set to 0 if you want unlimited messages per conversation.
Maximum messages action
Create new conversation
Block message from being sent
This action shall be taken once a thread has already reached its maximum number of messages.
Receive settings
Limit the total number of messages/conversations that a user may have.
What should be limited
Do you want to limit the number of individual messages a user can send, or limit the number of message conversations a user can initiate? An exceeded conversation limit will allow users to still write individual messages in existing conversations, but not start new ones.
Maximum number of messages/conversations per user
The total number of messages/conversations that a user may have before he has to delete old messages/conversations. When this limit is reached, users are not allowed to receive or send new messages.
Override maximum limit by role
You may override the maximum limit specified above on a per-role basis. If a user has multiple roles, then the highest maximum value shall be used. Enter "unlimited" if a role may have unlimited messages/conversations. Enter "0" if you do not want to override the maximum limit setting.
авторизованный пользователь
участник сайта
Send settings
Limit the total number of messages/conversations that a user can send in a given time period
What should be limited
Do you want to limit the number of individual messages a user can send, or limit the number of message conversations a user can initiate? An exceeded conversation limit will allow users to still write individual messages in existing conversations, but not start new ones.
Maximum number of messages/conversations per time period
The total number of messages/conversations that a user may send in a given time period.
Set the time period to be used
1 min
5 мин.
30 мин.
1 hour
1 day
1 week
4 weeks
Specify the time period to be used when limiting a user's sent messages/threads.
Override maximum limit by role
You may override the maximum limit specified above on a per-role basis. If a user has multiple roles, then the highest maximum value shall be used. Enter "unlimited" if a role may have unlimited messages/conversations. Enter "0" if you do not want to override the maximum limit setting.
авторизованный пользователь
участник сайта
Recipient settings
Limit the total number of recipients that a user can include in a single message
Maximum number of recipients per message
Defines the total number of recipients a user may include in a single message. This setting only affects new messages (and not replies on existing message threads). A role (just like any other recipient type) is considered to be a single recipient regardless of the number of users with that role.
Override maximum limit by role
You may override the maximum limit specified above on a per-role basis. If a user has multiple roles, then the highest maximum value shall be used. Enter "unlimited" if a role may have unlimited messages/conversations. Enter "0" if you do not want to override the maximum limit setting.
авторизованный пользователь
участник сайта
Выпуски журналов
Галерея выставок
Торговая площадка
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